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Measuring Success Right

Aug 23, 2021

We at Measuring Success Right are working hard to bring you brand new, exciting episodes this fall — and while we put some of these great new episodes together, we want to rebroadcast one of our favorites: a conversation with the host of NPR's "Planet Money" podcast, from May of this year. If you missed it the first...

Aug 9, 2021

Join Scott Rackham (professor at BYU and CMO of Sensapure Flavors and Dyad labs) and Spencer McWilliams as they enter the world of branding. Scott discusses his experiences in brand management and the power that branding has in marketing. 

Aug 3, 2021

Andrea is back! Spencer catches up with Andrea on post-grad life and a reflection of her time at BYU. Andrea delves into her journey of self-discovery of her latinidad and who she strives to be. She talks about her love of storytelling and inspiring others and hopes to emulate that through her dream of becoming...